Tuesday, May 2, 2017

smart insole|portable gait analysis system

Insole X is your professional system for efficient analysis and individualized foot care. The smart insole is ideal for various applications thanks to simple data synchronization and automatically generated reports. Only a portable gait analysis system enables reliable evaluation of the interaction between foot, insert and shoe during movement. With Insole X sensor insoles you can get complex analysis results of the gait data. Automated step detection and standardized reports support you in doing so.

Monday, February 20, 2017

portable gait analysis| smart insole

Sennotech has created a wearable sensor platform to enable daily gait monitoring and real time data analysis. Understanding your gait dara is the key to avoiding irreversible damage. Insole X gives you powerful real-time information. And that's just the start. Insole X is incredibly easy to use, and comes with a self-contained design. This is the life-altering tool you've been looking for.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

something about gait cycle

smart insole
The Gait Cycle begins when the heel of one foot touches the ground and ends when the same foot, after having executed one step, is set down. The cycle begins with the Stance phase (the heel-to-toe contact sequence of the foot) and continues with a Swing phase, where the foot is suspended and proceeds in the air (on average the stance phase accounts for 60% and the swing phase for 40%).

Friday, December 23, 2016

gait analysis in real time|smart insole

As a portable gait analysis system, Insole X can meet the daily monitoring demands, it logs stride length, strike angle, foot orientation and so on. The system can be widely applied in medical diagnostics, rehabilitation, professional sports guidance, and other fields.

The impressive Insole X technology provides a new set of data that wristband-style activity trackers do not, which can be applied in a wide variety of ways depending on what field you are in. For healthcare professionals, the smart insoles provide a bevy of information involving the gait correction, while high-performance athletes can figure out if they are placing and transferring their weight correctly.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

gait analysis with inertial sensors

smart insole
Sennotech Insole X is a portable gait analysis system which allows measurements of the kinematic and mechanical parameters via inertial sensors. With advanced algorithms, Insole X can extract high-precision analyzing results from the data. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

running gait analysis with smart shoe insole

Many runners get injured every year because they run in the wrong way like improper foot striking patterns or wear unfit shoes. Insole X is a smart insole which can track foot movement and then send real time feedback to the companion app. It’s designed for daily gait monitoring and will let you know as to if you are running correctly.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

smart shoe with senno smart

More than counting steps, Senno smart can record your every step information including cadence, distance, calories burned, etc. Make it easy to track your daily activity. With Bluetooth4.0, you can connect Senno smart to our app for real time feedback. Just put it in your shoe, move and see what will happen.